Oglethorpe University’s Carillon Magazine Features Engaging Mathematics

Carillon Magazine, published by Oglethorpe University, featured an article by Debbie Aiken called “TEACHING BACKWARDS” in their Spring/Summer 2014 issue. The article describes the Engaging Mathematics project, the SENCER method, and how Dr. John Nardo and Dr. Lynn Gieger, Engaging Math partners and Oglethorpe professors, will work to enhance Great Ideas of Modern Mathematics, a core course that every Oglethorpe student takes, for the grant.

To learn more about how “teaching backwards,” a phrase coined by Dr. Gieger, helps students engage with and learn math, please read the article below:

Download (PDF, 1.1MB)

Thanks to Debbie Aiken and Oglethorpe University for the wonderful write-up. You can follow Debbie on Twitter at @superduperdeb, and Oglethorpe at @OglethorpeUniv.